Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Young Entrepreuners

Evan Wilson came up with twitter. started posting blogs and updates.

Everybody uses twitter now a days including politicans.
Lets all your contacts know what your doing .
Follow favourite celebrities online.
Millions of posts everyday .
Started from nothing website is fastest growing on the web .

Larry Page - Google

Huge base of users from all over the world .
Not many people in Africa using it....poverty
Many ads on google .
Charities and relief groups set up as well .
Everyone who works is unique and important .
Lots of side projects on google .
Most popular site on the internet .
Over 150,000 advertisers .

Monday, September 27, 2010

College Hunks and College Foxes Packing Boxes

Started from dusk and bulit the franchise up.
Businees owners are really interested in buying the businnes.
The two owner were ranked top 30 under 30 and publicized in a lot of different magazines.
Young entrepreurs believed in their product and followed through with it.
Many business owners see the future and the potenital the company has .
5 years from now it could be worth over $1million dollars.
Means when you belive in something to carry through and put a lot of work in .



Targeted college, highschool and then adults .
Inviting other marktes to get involved .
Microsoft bought 1.6% for $245milllion dollars .
Could challenge google in future .
Very big network .
Need to start making $$$ off customers .
Making ads to get money .
Changing the way people talk to friends .
Different environment .

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Rockefellers

J.D Rockefeller

-First billionaire family
-First to drill an oil rig
-Know the value of money
-Success tip keep a ledger
-Told himself going to make $100.000
-Cheaper the costs greater the profit
-Not fortune he made, fortune he saved
-Businesses were legal
-Eliminate competition create monopoly
-Known as a ruthless man
-Rossevalt started campaign vs Rockefeller
-Got disease lost all his hair
-Turned over his business to his son

Sucees Tips

Face the wave-

Embrace the risk-

Be discerning-

24 hour rule- You have 24 hours to confront the person who wronged you, or lose the right to be hurt.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Every Problem Is An Opportunity For A Creative Soultion .

Open your eyes to problems.

Intersection of your skills, market need and passion
Willing to fail....make a resume of failures
Build relationships...for the long-term

Find a problem and create an enterpreneurial opportunity.
Teams, Make everyone else sucessful.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Arnold Schwarzenegger

-Parents favoured Arnold's older brother.

Very strict parenting on Arnold. He had to prove and impress his parents he was capable
of doing whatever his brother could do. Tought him discipline and good work ethic.

-Always had a plan B.

This means he was smart and always prepared incase of failure. So if body building
didnt work out for him he would try to swtich over into acting.

-Bronze and Brains.

Arnold is very muscular but also smart as well. Reason why he is governor
of California and a very respected member of his community and an idol.

arnold schwarzenegger

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Richard Branson

Very successful and rich enterpreuner....billionaire.
Owns virgin mobile and many other companies.
Dislexic and dropped out of school at 15.
Big risk taker.
Wants to help people in 3rd world countries.
$2.5 billion in net worth.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Facing the Wave

In life you have to face challenges and not run away from them.
Running from problems does nothing, you dont solve or make situation change.
You have to stand up and not be afraid of fears. The wave I want to face is after
graduating high school going onto college and becoming a tradesperson.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Embracing the Risk

Taking risks is decent. If you dont take any then you wont learn from your mistakes.
Falling down is a good sign it means you tried something new and you failed.
Get back up on your knees and keep trying until you become successful.